Medicare SteadyTemp: Revolutionising Temperature Measurement
12 May 2022

Fleming Medical is proud to introduce its new and exclusive product to the Irish and UK market. The Medicare SteadyTemp thermometer is a sensor patch within an adhesive patch and free mobile app that is used to read the patch and display temperature levels and curves.

The high-tech sensor patch is worn on the side of the chest under the arm. Once activated, the patch measures body temperature continuously and records the data until you are ready to access it using the NFC technology (contactless) feature on your smartphone.

How to apply Medicare SteadyTemp

Medicare SteadyTemp can be used on anyone aged 5 years or over for the monitoring of bacterial or viral infections or in postoperative care.

You can scan the patch as many times as you need throughout the day to view your readings.
Available exclusively at Fleming Medical.